When meeting Mingming and you will immediately understand why she has named her agency ‘HELDER’. The Dutch word ‘helder’ and the name Mingming both mean ‘clear and straightforward'. Mingming's business goals are to bring transparency to the whole process of cultural exchanges with au pairs. HELDER and Mingming strive to be clear and straightforward personally, professionally, for au pairs and for families.
Mingming is passionate about languages, cultures and how cultures interacts. She has always wanted to combine and expand her knowledge of countries, languages and cultures. Mingming had a curiosity to see more of the world. She settled in the Netherlands after she earned a double degree in International Business Management in Canterbury, England and in Amsterdam.
In the years that followed, she gained much experience in international trade between Europe and Asia. However, she was always eager to return to her true area of interest: language and cultural exchange. After became a mother of two fascinating bilingual children, she soon learned the ins and outs of day care, nannies and au pairs. She figured out how to combine all of her skills, experience and passion with her background in education, knowledge of languages and cultures, as well as her coaching skills to build an enriching cultural exchange experience for both au pairs and children.
HELDER focuses mainly on families who want to give their children a bilingual (in speaking and writing) and bicultural upbringing, and puts them in touch with well-educated young people from the Netherlands who would like to explore China as au pairs.